
So, today it’s my turn to write, as I’m doing some of the cooking. We’re starting with pork tenderloin – or, as Asda calls it, pork fillet. Asda is the UK branch of Walmart, so I think we can all work on the assumption that tenderloin has too many syllables for the executives, and they need to dumb it down.
It’s a fantastic cut of meat – long, cylindrical, fairly low fat (as pork goes), easy and quick to cook.
Today I’m pan/pot roasting it. Made a crust of ground almond, rock salt and chipotle, and stuck it to the fillet with a brush of beer. Frankly, it didn’t stick brilliantly; but enough stuck. Although it might be better to go with an egg wash.
Then I fried it with a little butter to crisp up the coating and to sear the outside, and then stuck it in the oven to roast for a quarter of an hour.
Leaving it to rest out of the pan, I deglazed the pan with some cheap and crappy red wine, and some cherries that I’ve whizzed up in a blender to make a cherry juice, and some pepper, chilli and a little cinnamon. A spicy, lovely and sweet reduced sauce that works well with the spicy pork.
Meanwhile, Beth’s cooking some sweet potato fries, with more of that BBQ3000 magic, and a splash of olive oil, roasting them. And sautéing some spinach for tonight's green.
Weightwatchers points: 13 points as follows: 6 for the pork and sauce, 6 for the sweet potato fries, and 1 for the butter on the spinach
Love, love, love cherries and pork tenderloin. One of my favorite Chicago restaurants did a cherry bbq sauce with their tenderloin and it was DIVINE. It was a dark day when they closed their doors.